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This is the document sent to villagers in 2014




As you are all no doubt aware, Anne & Denise have decided to retire and so the village shop closed at the end of October. May we firstly thank Anne & Denise for all they have done over many years and especially during this difficult year for them and we wish them well in their retirement. Theirs will be a very hard act to follow – especially their friendly banter. Following a well-attended public meeting it was agreed that we should try to set up a Community Shop in the village (i.e. one that is run by and for the local community).


For most villages a shop is a vital lifeline and for some people, especially those without transport, it is an important connection with the world beyond their front door. It is a meeting place, communication centre and an important lynchpin of village life. Much of the appeal of our village rests on its sense of community. It is the reason many people have moved here and remain here. A new community shop would, we feel, help to enhance that community spirit.


This questionnaire is the first step. We need to know your views on what might be provided and that we would receive your support. Please be as honest and realistic as possible in your answers! Your response will be treated in confidence. It is entirely anonymous, unless you wish to add your name at the end.


The results of this survey will be published and presented to a public meeting when the proposal can be discussed further.


We would also like to hear from you if you feel you could help in any way with the running of the shop. There will be a wide range of tasks to be done from the initial setting up of the project to managing the enterprise and being involved in the day to day practical operation.

This kind of venture has been successfully achieved in other villages. There are currently over 300 community owned shops in England, Scotland and Wales and most of these have been set up with the support of the charity Plunkett Foundation (www.plunkett.co.uk). Will our village be the next one?


To see the questions click here





Page updated 25th June 2018