


Updates & Dates/Events



Our Stock


History of shop




Share Offer


Formal Documents


This page shows the original offer to purchase shares, before we opened the Community Shop in 2015.

BUT, you can still purchase shares in the company if you wish to offer continuing support to the shop.

We are asking you to support us by joining the Burrington Community Shop Society. You can do this by purchasing one or more shares at £10 each.

We would also very much appreciate any donations that you are able to make.

Membership is open to both individuals and organisations.

To see the full prospectus click HERE

The shorter letter of invitation,sent to everyone in the village, can be seen HERE

The application form can be downloaded HERE and returned, with your cheque, to one of the committee members or it can be emailed to the treasurer if you pay by bank transfer.

The full rules of the Society are on the “Formal Documents” page – paragraph 8 refers to the issuing of shares.




Page updated 20th November 2018